Friday, July 30, 2010


Well, I found my beautiful new home, a gorgeous cottage in Mowbray with lots of character!  Its within walking distance of Observatory and Lindo's bus stop, (I have a perhaps unrealistic but feel-good notion that I'll walk to work....mmm we'll see), its close to public transport and the main highways!  Its also dog friendly!!  For a while there I though we may have to find another home for our beloved Piwi!

Now I have to wait a month to move in, which is fine as a lovely friend of mine is putting up Lindo, Piwi and I for August.  Fine I should mention in theory, but in practise this has meant finding storage for my furniture and bags and bags of stuff!!  How on earth can a person accumulate like this?? Its just wrong!  I foolishly thought I could pack the house up in a couple of days.  How wrong can I be?  It seems that every room I walk into has piles of things that don't fall into any neat category or 'box'.  I could just chuck them out but that grieves me too.  If its not recyclable, it could be give-awayable, or even sell-able, so I end up with piles in different corners of the room that don't help the emptying of the house situation!  All my furniture seems to be scattered between several friends garages around the peninsula (ok I exaggerate, the suburb!). 

Its been a challenge this week, but I'm wondering if it is not just the amount of stuff I have, but the serious lack of time I've had to do it.  Its also very strange that all the people I know have bad backs and therefore seem to be out of action for lifting furniture assistance!

Anyway I am looking forward to finding a place in the new house for all my belongings, and am excitedly anxious for this month to pass quickly, while at the same time wanting to enjoy every minute of living with my friend!  Fun times!

With all the above in mind, not to mention planning school lessons, lots of babysitting and lifting, and finding precious time to meet with the wonderful women who help run Adonis Musati Project, the refugee organisation I also volunteer with, its been easy not to miss my Ode too much.  Also knowing she's having a fabulous time and is in safe hands in America helps.  I also took Lee-Anne home to her family in the week with all her belongings, a big move for her and a big loss for Lindo and I!  She knows that she always has a bed with us!

As always we have much to be grateful for.
God bless! xxx

Friday, July 9, 2010

Post World Cup, Post Ode.....

Wow, its been two months to the day since I created this blog!! Typical for me I haven't written anything new since then!

In the past two months some major events have happened in our lives... We were burgled, Ode got her citizenship, passport and ID, and plane ticket to America (thanks to wonderful friends in the USA), Lee-Anne has finally got a job as a classroom assistant, and of course we (those of us in South Africa) have helped to host the FIFA World Cup! I have also handed in my notice for the house I live in and am hoping to find a lovely little cottage in Observatory, the suburb where we attend church, and also where the Adonis Musati Offices are situated. This should be fun, it hopefully will be a time of clearing out a lot of junk accumulated in the past two years. It will be a new phase in our lives. It'll be just Lindo and I (and perhaps Lee-Anne upon occasion), and I am really looking forward to starting all over again someplace new! I will miss Ode like mad, but hopefully a new place of abode should help ease that.

The World Cup has been awesome. I hadn't been too sure about whether I was going to enjoy the hype or not. I had visions of traffic galore, annoying tourists and just general chaos! As it happens, the vibe has been wonderful! It has truely felt like we have been part of the whole euphoria, being able to walk down the fanwalk on a match night, watch matches at the Fan Park in the Grand Parade, and generally enjoy it for what it is! Of course there have been some downsides, Englands poor performance for one! However I found it fascinating that my heart was more hurt at Ghana's loss than Englands!

The Final is on Sunday, in two days time. In some ways the World cup feels like its been going on forever, on the other hand I can't believe its almost over! For us who work closely with refugees we have the very real concern of the post-world cup violence towards refugees that has been threatening to raise its ugly head recently. Even as I type I am saddened to think of all the refugees who are lined up along our National Roads desperately wanting lifts to Jo'burg and on to Zimbabwe, for fear of being attacked next week! The fear is real even if the rumours aren't! And surely if the rumours fly around fast enough, they can result in action, even if they just started as vicious rumours! Please pray for these people whose biggest crime is coming here in the first place and wanting to work hard! Those South African's who have quickly forgotton how it feels to be terrorised are now the terrorisors. What to do??